VA Caregiver Support Program
Caregiver Support Line (CSL)- Caregiver Educational Series
CSL Caregiver Educational Series
Caring for yourself is the best thing you can do for those that depend on you. The support line offers monthly education group sessions that can help. These calls provide self-care tips on a range of topics and are available to all caregivers.
CSL monthly education groups are held four times per month. Please reference dates and times listed below for each month. Note, the first three calls of the month are offered in English. The last call of the month is offered in Spanish.
How to Join - Two Ways:
At the scheduled time of the call, please dial: 1-347-566-4838
When prompted, enter the following Conference ID: 521 546 087#Click here at the time of the presentation to join via MS Teams on your computer, mobile app or room device
October 2024 - Extinguishing the Fire
Managing Anger's Destructive Potential
Anger is a tough emotion we all feel and show from time to time. Anger is a warning sign that you are being hurt or threatened. If your needs are not met or if you are giving more than receiving, you may become angry. Anger can be a helpful warning to take care of yourself. Acting out angry feelings in a destructive way can result in harm to you and others. Review and practice the skills below to better care for your angry feelings.
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November 2024 - At your Wits’ End
Regaining Equilibrium as a Parent and Family Caregiver
Caring for others is not easy. Caring for children while caring for your loved one is especially challenging. This can be like balancing two full time jobs without any time off. Caregiving can be a threat to your well-being. Let’s talk about how you can get relief from the stress that comes with it.
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December 2024 – Addressing Loneliness through Social Connection
Addressing Loneliness through Social Connection
Explore how you as caregivers may lose sight of yourselves and how you may lose focus on what is happening inside you. We will discuss how losing your focus on yourself results in losing touch with the vital connections that keep you resilient and strong.
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January 2025 – Embracing Your Anxiety
Every person experiences feelings of anxiety at some point in their life.
Anxiety is an emotion and there to send us a message. Anxiety can be uncomfortable to experience. It may cause us to have physical symptoms in our bodies, negative thoughts in our mind, and feelings of being trapped. This presentation will discuss anxiety and provide skills on how to better manage it.
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February 2025 – Keep it in Perspective
As a caregiver, do you sometimes find it hard to keep things in perspective?
Do you struggle with thinking the worst when something difficult happens while caring for your loved one and jump to the worst-case scenario? Do you blow things out of proportion? The topic for this presentation is catastrophizing. We will talk about what it is, why it is common among caregivers, the challenges it creates, and good solutions to cope with it.
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March 2025 – Partners in Care: Breaking it Down, A Fundamental Overview of the VA Healthcare System for Caregivers and Veterans
This educational session is designed to help improve your understanding and promote ease of access to various VA services, programs and financial benefits.
The goal for this presentation is to allow the Caregiver, and the VA enrolled Veteran to feel empowered to navigate the VA healthcare system.
-∗ Tues 3/25/25 - 1 p.m. Eastern (12 p.m. Central, 11 a.m. Mountain, 10 a.m. Pacific, 9 a.m. Alaska, 8 a.m. Hawaii)
*Presented in Spanish
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April – Healing The Wounds of Inner Shame
- Tues 4/2/25 - 10 a.m. Eastern (9 a.m. Central, 8 a.m. Mountain, 7 a.m. Pacific, 6 a.m. Alaska, 5 a.m. Hawaii)
- Wed 4/9/25 - 6 p.m. Eastern (5 p.m. Central, 4 p.m. Mountain, 3 p.m. Pacific, 2 p.m. Alaska, 1 p.m. Hawaii)
- Wed 4/16/25 - 3 p.m. Eastern (2 p.m. Central, 1 p.m. Mountain, 12 p.m. Pacific, 11 a.m. Alaska, 10 a.m. Hawaii)
- ∗ Tues 4/22/25 - 1 p.m. Eastern (12 p.m. Central, 11 a.m. Mountain, 10 a.m. Pacific, 9 a.m. Alaska, 8 a.m. Hawaii)
*Presented in Spanish
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May 2025 – Trust Your Gut: Looking at the Role of Gut Health and How it Affects Your Wellness
- Tues 5/6/25 - 10 a.m. Eastern (9 a.m. Central, 8 a.m. Mountain, 7 a.m. Pacific, 6 a.m. Alaska, 5 a.m. Hawaii)
- Wed 5/14/25 - 6 p.m. Eastern (5 p.m. Central, 4 p.m. Mountain, 3 p.m. Pacific, 2 p.m. Alaska, 1 p.m. Hawaii)
- Wed 5/21/25 - 3 p.m. Eastern (2 p.m. Central, 1 p.m. Mountain, 12 p.m. Pacific, 11 a.m. Alaska, 10 a.m. Hawaii)
- ∗ Tues 5/27/25 - 1 p.m. Eastern (12 p.m. Central, 11 a.m. Mountain, 10 a.m. Pacific, 9 a.m. Alaska, 8 a.m. Hawaii)
*Presented in Spanish
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June 2025 – Grief and Loss
- Tues 6/3/25 - 10 a.m. Eastern (9 a.m. Central, 8 a.m. Mountain, 7 a.m. Pacific, 6 a.m. Alaska, 5 a.m. Hawaii)
- Wed 6/11/25 - 6 p.m. Eastern (5 p.m. Central, 4 p.m. Mountain, 3 p.m. Pacific, 2 p.m. Alaska, 1 p.m. Hawaii)
- Wed 6/18/25 - 3 p.m. Eastern (2 p.m. Central, 1 p.m. Mountain, 12 p.m. Pacific, 11 a.m. Alaska, 10 a.m. Hawaii)
- ∗ Tues 6/24/25 - 1 p.m. Eastern (12 p.m. Central, 11 a.m. Mountain, 10 a.m. Pacific, 9 a.m. Alaska, 8 a.m. Hawaii)
*Presented in Spanish
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Need Help?
Call VA’s Caregiver Support Line (CSL) at 1-855-260-3274 to learn more about the support that is available to you, and for assistance connecting with the Caregiver Support Team/Coordinator, at your local VA Medical Center.
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