Caregiver Resources
Everyday Tips and Checklists
We know you juggle a lot of big responsibilities every day. We also know that sometimes you may feel like the little things – or the things you should do for your own well being – are slipping through the cracks.
For those times, an easy checklist or tip sheet can be the best tool in your tool box. The tools below can help you stay on track so you can stay focused and feel in control.
Patient File Checklist (PDF)
The single most important thing you can do to promote clear communication and function effectively as a Family Caregiver is to create and maintain a comprehensive file of information about the Veteran you're caring for. Follow the link for more information and a checklist that will help you build a comprehensive file about the Veteran you care for.
Tips for Communicating with Your Veteran's Health Care Team (PDF)
As a Family Caregiver, it's important to be aware of all aspects of a Veteran's health care. That means being able to communicate effectively with a Veteran's health care team. Download this PDF for tips on maintaining productive, effective communication with the health care team providing treatment for the Veteran you love.
Questions to Ask Your Veteran's Health Care Providers (PDF)
All too often we don't know what to ask the doctor about our own health, let alone someone else's. Asking the right questions and getting the right answers from the health care team providing treatment for the Veteran you love will enable you to better plan for and provide care for that Veteran. Download this PDF for a list of common questions you may want to ask the clinical health care providers.
Preventing Medication Mishaps (PDF)
As a Family Caregiver, you play a significant role in ensuring the safety of the Veteran you care for as he or she interacts with health care providers and receives care at home. One of the many common responsibilities of a Family Caregiver is managing medications, which can be difficult if a Veteran is taking a number of different medications, or is seeing many different health care providers. Follow the link for steps you can take to help prevent medication mishaps.
Telephone Tips & Techniques for Accessing Resources (PDF)
Today, the Internet is the medium of choice when researching information or trying to track down products and services. But, no matter how much information you find on the Internet, sooner or later you'll have to pick up a telephone to verify that information, find answers to your very specific questions or arrange for the services you need. Follow the link for tips and techniques on getting the information you need when calling different organizations and service providers.
What to Do When The Veteran You Care For Is Hospitalized (PDF)
If a Veteran's condition requires ongoing or intensive medical treatment, it is likely that you and the Veteran you care for have seen, or will see, the inside of a medical center more than the average person. When hospitalization is necessary, there are things that you can do to feel more confident, ease your stress, and be an effective advocate and respected member of the health care team. Download this PDF for more information.
Crisis Symptom Reporting Guide (PDF)
When a Veteran is in a medical crisis, your ability to observe symptoms carefully and report them accurately could be lifesaving. During this stressful time, you may find it difficult to think or function as clearly as you normally would. The list provided in this PDF can help you know in advance what to look for during a crisis, and remember what to look for should a crisis occur.
Need Help?
To learn more about the support that is available to you, and for assistance connecting with PCS programs, contact your local VA facility CSP Team/Caregiver Support Coordinator, or call the VA Caregiver Support Line(CSL) at 1-855-260-3274.Subscribe to receive email updates and information about VA Caregiver Support Program services.